Twas the night before Christmas,and snow was adrift.
My family set off to scratch the last from my list.
They arrived at a quilt shop owned by a Grinch,
To whom sales meant more money, fewer pennies to pinch.
The bell on the door made a huge clatter.
The Quilt Shop Grinch sprang up to see who she had captured.
She watched my family fumble around,
But their faces fell when my gift wasn't found.
"Do you have a layer cake?" they asked, as a last resort.
"Oh, Moda?" the Quilt Shop Grinch said with a snort!
"We wouldn't carry anything of that sort!"
Sensing a sale was about to fall through,
The Quilt Shop Grinch lied, it's what all Grinches do.
"This here," she said, "Will be all that she needs.
These fat quarters will make plenty, just wait, you will see."
My family headed out with their package wrapped tight,
Wanting to see my face filled with delight.
"Enough for your quilt!" they sang in a song,
And as much as I hoped, I knew they were wrong.
It was all up to Santa to fulfill my wish,
He whipped up a layer cake, lickety-split.
He was about to put it in the back of the sleigh,
When the sound of a crash lured him away.
Elves came in, yelling, "Emergency!"
And Santa tossed my layer cake under the tree.
So as Mrs. Claus sits with sewing on her lap,
I stare at this small stack of quarters cut fat.
Visions of quilt patterns dance in my head,
But my fabric was gifted to Santa's wife instead...