I told you it was coming!
I have been dreaming of this disappearing nine patch quilt since the last Blogger's Quilt Festival where I saw so many beautiful ones. I bought a charm pack of reproduction shirting prints and combined it with anything that looked anything like it could have been a shirting from my stash.
I had originally fallen in love with versions of this quilt that used no discernible layout whatsoever, but when I tried throwing my crazy mix of prints together randomly it just didn't look right. All of the busy needed some serious organization to tone it down. When I started laying the blocks out in the typical way, I started falling in love with my own version.
To date, I think this is the biggest and prettiest quilt I've done. And if I hadn't went and sewn the surname of the person I made it for into the back, I would probably be keeping it for myself.

At least if I can't keep it, it does calm me down to know that I have one Christmas gift finished. (Though I now think I need to make a quilt for my living room wall, I really didn't enjoy taking this one down after I photographed it.)
And I learned how to do a wider binding on this quilt, which lays so much nicer and is so much more forgiving than the super thin binding I have used in the past. I think I might want to do all of my holiday quilts this way!