Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I have never spent so much time quilting in my life! I really wanted to somehow try to explain why I was still working on this project (and I am probably less than half finished), and decided that a picture is definitely worth a thousand words in this case. I took this photo in black and white, and very close up so that I can show what I'm working on without really giving too much away! 

So what is it? It's about a two inch wonky square, where none of the sides touch any other shape. It means I'm stopping the machine after every two inch (some are bigger, some are smaller) square to cut thread tails for burying later. Ugh! I LOVE the look of it so far, it is seriously wonderful in the scale of the whole quilt, but it also means that I am nowhere near done. Loads of handwork, loads of machine work..the top was simple to piece, so I guess this is my trade off. I am going to be so sad to send it away when it's done! 

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