Does everyone out there in Bloggyland know that I am going to be an aunt again? I am, and I am once again in charge of the baby shower.
My sister is having a boy, and picked out the cutest little puppy invitations for the shower. We're going to build an entire theme around them. Which is where these key chains come in. I whipped this little dog up in just an hour or so today. I thought it would make an adorable baby shower favor, while also promoting my work and costing just a few cents each. Could there be a more perfect favor?
Want to make some of your own?
You'll need: key rings
embroidery floss
fabric scraps
fusible web
fusible interfacing
Odds are if you sew you have most of these supplies already, and it only takes a very small amount of each!
Step 1:Make a sketch of your key chain.
Step 2:Trace your sketch, breaking it down into parts. Cut these pieces out.
Step 3:Lay your pieces face DOWN (or else you'll create a mirror image of your sketch) onto your fusible web and trace around them with a pencil. Loosely cut out around your shapes.
Step 4:Iron the pieces you cut out of fusible web onto the wrong side of the fabric scrap you have chosen as the color for each piece. Do NOT use steam for this part. You will ruin it. When the pieces have cooled, cut them out on your pencil lines and remove the paper backing.
Step 5:Chose the fabric you want to back your whole keychain and fuse interfacing to the wrong side. With your iron on steam, begin adding your web backed fabric pieces to the front of the keychain one by one.
Step 6: Embroider any small features. (You could also use fabric marker or fabric paint for this step.)
Optional Step 7:Machine or handsew around your fused pieces to make your design last longer. (Not a necessity for keychains, as no one really expects them to last forever.) Add any beads, buttons or embellishments after this step.
Step 8:Place a piece of felt underneath your keychain, cut loosely around your design, simultaneously cutting a piece of felt the exact shape to back your keychain.

Cut a piece of ribbon about four inches in length. Loop one end over a key ring and sew to the inside of your felt backing.
Step 9:Place the back and front of your keychain together and blanket stitch around the outside edge.

Not too difficult and totally cute!