Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Moments

Whew! I'm home from my long weekend, and though it was so much fun and less of a challenge than I ever would have imagined to go without the TV or computer (or cell phone!) I am glad to be back with all of the comforts of city living.

However, there are some things the city just does not offer. I mean, sure, the occasional deer on the freeway practically puts me into cardiac arrest, but this doe was just gorgeous. It was probably close to 90 degrees that day and she walked out into a mucky stream to have a drink and cool herself off.

We were enjoying an off-road adventure with another couple (the closest my husband and I have come to a date in a year), showing them fun things to do with their new truck. We drove across a short bridge and there she was. I yelled at my husband to stop so I could take her picture. She was kind of stuck there posing for me as she made her way out of the water the only way she could...slowly.

Seeing a deer in the middle of the woods is not too spectacular. The one who came crashing through my mother-in-law's backyard as we were gathered around the campfire roasting marshmallows...that one really made me long for a more secluded place.

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