Two years ago at the Fourth of July arts and crafts fair, we bought this photo mat. We thought we could do better on a frame price, though and neglected to purchase one. After researching, we have been walking the craft fair every year since just waiting to see
this vendor back so we could buy a frame.

Obviously, this was our year.
I love it! The letters were so much fun to find photos for. The middle of the C perfectly covers up the jutting nose of a blow up dolphin, and I couldn't imagine a better photo to go inside the H. The palm tree was perplexing though. I'm still not sure that I absolutely love the photo in it, but I figure that's okay.

We just got to the beach for the first time this summer, last week. The kids are growing more every day, and next summer there will be a whole new family member to add to the frame. Eventually, I will find the perfect photo for that palm tree.