This, along with the pinata is going to be one of the main activities of the still upcoming birthday party. But what is it? It's a Littlest Pet Shop penguin made almost entirely out of adhesive felt (I had to paint the blue parts of the eyes, adhesive felt doesn't come in a huge array of colors). We're going to use it to play a "pin the tail on the donkey" sort of game. Except we're going to try "feeding" it foam cupcakes that the girls decorate themselves and see who can get closest to the mouth.
It should be a bunch of fun. And it should be salvageable as wall art for Victoria's bedroom when the party is over and done with. I increased the size of a penguin from a dollar store Littlest Pet Shop coloring book by 250% and it ended up almost two feet tall. I think that could easily be done at a copy shop, but I went the old fashioned way and drew it out on a grid. I apparently think my money is way more valuable than my time.
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